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Receive account balance alerts right on Sacombank Pay
Receive notifications about Sacombank's latest events, promotions, announcements,...
Alert by Sacombank Pay help customer quickly receive notifications whenever account balance changes.
Alert by SMS/Email
Receive account balance updated via SMS/Email.
Can register multiple mobile phone numbers/Emails for the same account.
Receive notifications about Sacombank's latest events, promotions, announcements,...
No worry about missing the deposit period with Alert for future deposit period.
Alert for future deposit period
Receive Alert for future deposit period.
Can register multiple mobile phone numbers/Emails for each future deposit account.
Alert for loan accounts
Receive alerts for loan payment due dates and overdue payment.
Can register multiple Mobile Numbers/Emails for each loan account.
Registration procedure
Automated transaction reporting via Sacombank Pay: the service is automatically integrated on the application. Refer to instructions on enabling/disabling transaction alerts here.