Sacombank achieved high rankings in several categories related to prestige, efficiency, and sustainable development


On 02/08/2024, Sacombank was honored by Vietnam Report in the “Vietnam Top 50 Public Companies 2024” and the “Vietnam Top 10 Banking Reputation 2024”. On the same day, Sacombank was awarded in the “G - Outstanding Corporate Governance” category at the announcement ceremony of the “Vietnam Top 50 Exemplary Sustainable Development Enterprises 2024” organized by Nhip Cau Dau Tu Magazine.

The rankings of “Vietnam Top 50 Public Companies” and the “Vietnam Top 10 Banking Reputation” are developed by Vietnam Report to honor public companies with solid financial foundations, remarkable achievements in providing products and services to customers, and impressive image. Specifically, the “Vietnam Top 10 Banking Reputation” honors leading organizations in the financial and banking sector, serving as a strong pillar of the economy during recent turbulent times.

Compared to 2023, Sacombank climbed 10 places in the “Vietnam Top 50 Public Companies” and rose from 7th to 6th place in the “Vietnam Top 10 Banking Reputation”. Being listed in these rankings for many consecutive years is evidence of Sacombank's continuous proactive efforts to enhance its competitive capacity, swiftly seize opportunities to realize business goals, and undergo digital transformation, reinforcing its image in the eyes of the public, shareholders, and investors.

The “Vietnam Top 50 Exemplary Sustainable Development Enterprises 2024” by Nhip Cau Dau Tu Magazine is a ranking that promotes the widespread adoption of sustainable development practices in the Vietnamese business community and society. The program recognizes and honors enterprises contributing to sustainable, environmentally friendly, and socially equitable development. Sacombank was honored in the “G - Outstanding Corporate Governance” category in this ranking due to its corporate governance model, which aligns with international standards and practices. Sacombank manages risks by Basel III, with operational safety indicators controlled and maintained within set limits; risk control is strictly implemented at all transaction points and has become a culture among all employees.

Previously, Sacombank was also honored by The Asian Banking and Finance (ABF) Magazine in the ABF Retail Banking Awards system. This year, ABF selected Sacombank as the “SME Payment Solutions of the Year – Vietnam” for meeting the criteria of uniqueness, innovation, effectiveness, impact, and dynamism in its financial solutions for SMEs.