Customer was granted a saving account value VND 2.5 million


On April 24, 2020, Sacombank organized an online lucky draw of the promotion program "Spring of Lucky - The Year of Prosperity", and determined that customers Ha Van Thuong who is District 8 branch’s customer, were the luckiest person to win the Special Prize - 1 savings card value of VND 2.5 billion. In addition, there were 3 customers who won luxury interior package worth VND 100 million / package, 10 customers won SBJ jewelry set worth VND 50 million / set, 62 customers won a vacuum cleaner robot worth VND 8 million / robot, 1,050 customers won a set of tea pots/customers. The lucky draw session was witnessed by representatives of the Trade Promotion Agency, representatives of Sacombank's Board of Directors, customers and journalists.

"Spring of Lucky - The Year of Prosperity" is a promotion program for individual customers that takes place from December 16, 2019 to March 14, 2020, with a total prize value of more than VND 20 billion with many valuable gifts. Accordingly, each customer will receive the lucky code to participate in the lucky draw session when having one of the transactions at Sacombank as follows:

  • Deposit savings of VND 5 million and above, with a tenor from 2 - 36 months when making transaction at transaction office or via electronic banking channels;
  • Total fee for using counter services and e-banking is accumulated from VND100,000;
  • Have a total value of remittances received reaching 1,400 USD;
  • Log in to Internet Banking and make payment for the first time.

Customers who have saving accounts from 6 months or more, use counter services, e-banking services, receive remittances, are eligible for the above lucky code, also receive additional points. to redeem right away or accumulate to exchange for gifts such as: cash, umbrella, wine glasses set, wall clock, tea pot set, coffee maker, jam box, oil-free fryer...

List of winners is uploaded at website