Sacombank launches 24/7 interbank transfer service with VietQR code
15/06/2021With this service, when customers need to make a payment or transfer money to another bank account, they do not need to remember and enter the account number and can still easily transfer money with just a few simple steps from the Sacombank Pay application: go to Quick access, select QR Code, scan the beneficiary's VietQR code <enter amount and explanation (if any)>, verify the transaction to complete. In addition, retail stores can pre-print QR codes according to a predetermined amount to facilitate quick and professional payment receipt.
Especially, from June 16, 2021 to the end of July 31, 2021, individual customers who are cardholders or account holders of Sacombank in particular and other banks (which deploy QR IBFT service) in general, when performing QR IBFT service, they will be able to participate in the promotion program "Scan VietQR - Give a discount" with a total prize value of more than VND1 billion. The promotion program has been devided into 2 phases: the first phase from June 16, 2021 to the end of July 11, 2021, the second phase from July 12, 2021 to the end of July 31, 2021. Accordingly, for each bonus review phase, 3 customers with the most successful total number of money transfer transactions to other owner of VietQR code will be rewarded with VND5 million; The first 5,000 customers who make a successful money transfer to someone else's VietQR code will be rewarded with VND100,000.
For further information, customers please kindly contact Hotline 1900 5555 88 or 028 3526 6060; access to website and register online at website