Sacombank to celebrate Vietnamese Women’s Day 20/10 with many offers


To welcome Vietnamese Women’s Day 20/10, Sacombank has conducted the “Thousand special deals – Million love messages” promotion from now till Dec 31, 2021 for Sacombank personal and corporate customers with many attractive offers.

Particularly, customers opening a traditional savings account at any transaction point will earn a 0.2% higher annual interest rate. Moreover, from Oct 18 to Oct 22, female customers will get a 6-month Combo fee waiver (balance change alert via Sacombank Pay) when opening or upgrading the Combo account; a bonus of 2 months when paying account management or 6-month Combo fee, a bonus of 4 months if paying 10-month Combo fee in advance; a 6-month fee waiver when registering/extending the Asset management contract worth of maximum VND 1 million per month and Safe Locker service at Can Tho and An Giang branches.

Using eBanking services, customers will get a 20% refund (maximum VND 200,000) for auto bill payment (electricity, water, telephone, cable TV etc.) via Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking; 30% discount off for mobile top-up worth of at least VND 100,000 from 12:00 – 14:00 pm daily from Oct 18 to Oct 24, 2021 via Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking with multiple discount times; a bonus of VND 100,000 for the first 500 female customers making fast NAPAS 247 fund transfer of minimum VND 2 million via via Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking on Oct 20, each customer will be offered once.

Using international credit cards, from now till Dec 31, 2021, customers will enjoy many deals such as VND 300,000 off PNJ receipt from VND 3 million; VND 400,000 off PNJ watch receipt from VND 3 million; VND 40,000 off Grabfood and Baemin order from VND 100,000; 10% off Hoa Yeu Thuong receipt; VND 100,000 FlowerStore website receipt from VND 300,000; 10% off all fashion products’ original price at RitaVõ Fashion chain and

Corporate customers will be offered a preferential loan interest rate from only 4%/year and 1% reduction of loan rates; free eBanking service (including Internet Banking and Mobile Banking); free corporate card management fee for the first year usage, payroll service; free/discount on international and domestic fund transfer fee, trade finance fee, guarantee fee etc. depending on the business scale. In addition, Sacombank will gift VIP businesswomen with congratulations flowers on Oct 20. Formerly, Sacombank has implemented the preferential loan package of VND 10,000 billion with an interest rate of 4%/year and loan term of maximum 6 month for exporters as well as pandemic-affected corporates to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and solve difficulties in business manufacturing (The offer lasts till 12/31/2021 or when running out, depending on which comes first).

Further information, kindly contact Hotline 1900 5555 88, nationwide branches/transaction points or visit