Sacombank to win 2 awards from The Asian Banking & Finance


“Vietnam Domestic Trade Finance Bank of the Year” and “Vietnam Domestic Technology and Operations Bank of the Year” awards from The Asian Banking and Finance (ABF) magazine.

Within the last 5 years, Sacombank has boosted the digital transformation and initiatively implemented many modern world-class technologies to support the operations governance and management effectively as well as improve the products and services to enhance customer experience.

Moreover, Sacombank is highly appreciated in successfully managing currencies, payments, and supply chain finance by ABF. The Bank met the criteria of effective market share growth, operating margin of payment activities, cash management and trade finance, operational cost reduction to bring the best values to customers.

The ABF Wholesale Banking Awards held by ABF magazine every year since 2018 has become a prestigious banking and finance award. In 2021, the award attracted 140 banks and finance companies from 31 countries in the Asia Pacific region.