Sacombank waives all online money transfers’ fee


From March 1, 2022, Sacombank has implemented a free online money transfer policy for all individual customers using Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and Sacombank Pay application.

Accordingly, individual customers will be free of charge for all money transfer transactions via Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and Sacombank Pay with a transfer limit of up to VND10 billion/transaction/day. In particular, customers using Combo 4.0 at Sacombank also receive free payment card issuance/annual fee, free automatic transaction notification on Sacombank Pay and free account management.

Besides, Sacombank also offer free of charge for some services on Sacombank Pay application such as opening a lucky number account, withdrawing cash by QR at ATM, free service maintenance and account management fee without requiring minimum maintenance balance.

Sacombank's implementation of this policy of free of charge for all online transactions has contributed to promoting the Government's policy of cashless payment and this is Sacombank's effort in reaching the goal of becoming one of the best modern banks which always at the forefront of launching products and services with the customer experience as the top priority.

For detailed information, customers please kindly contact: