Sacombank welcomes 31 years of establishment anniversary with full of positive and contagious energy


The 31st anniversary of Sacombank's establishment (December 21, 1991 - December 21, 2022) was held in a warm atmosphere when Christmas and New Year were approaching.

31 Sacombank employees perform "Sacombank march"

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Duong Cong Minh - Chairman of Sacombank's Board of Directors shared: “31 years ago Sacombank was established with the vision of the leaders of the times, Sacombank has been always leading the market.

Despite facing many great challenges at the time of merger, after only 2 years we have brought the numbers to a stable level. In 2022, we continue to achieve positive results and impressive restructuring speed. It is expected that in 2023 Sacombank will successfully restructure, bringing the Bank to the right position of a leading retail bank in Vietnam.

Mr. Duong Cong Minh - Chairman of Sacombank's Board of Directors delivered the opening speech

Sacombank leaders and distinguished guests toast to the 31st anniversary of Sacombank

The opening dance performance was full of energy, recreating the journey that started with the aspirations and will to rise of the resilient and indomitable Sacombank people.

Singer Minh Tuyet performed impressively at the event

Singer Duc Tuan performed brilliantly at the event

Singer To My performed at the event

Singer Ngoc Son performed at the event

Leaders of Sacombank and valued guests take souvenir photos at the ceremony

Sacombank would like to express its gratitude to the generations of Founding Leaders, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Board of Management and Employees of different periods who have contributed to building a strong Sacombank today!

Sincere thanks for the attention and support of the State Management Agencies, the media agencies; the cooperation of Partners, Investors; especially the trust and companionship of thousands of Shareholders and 15 million customers in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia!