Sacombank’s 20 years journey of connecting community and spreading love


To share the joy of spring and celebrate the Lunar New Year 2023 with the vulnerable, from 23/12/2022 to 16/01/2023, Sacombank organized the 20th Warm Spring in 51 provinces and cities across the country and Laos and Cambodia with a total budget of VND7.8 billion.

Mr. Le Duy Tuan – Director of Sacombank Binh Chanh Branch gave the certificate of donation to the representative of Binh Chanh district

Accordingly, Sacombank’s executives and staff working in various localities have visited communes, wards, charity facilities, loving shelters, hospitals and bring gifts to disadvantaged children, the disabled, the lonely elderly and poor families.

Over the last 20 years Sacombank has spent more than VND85.3 billion to join hands with social organizations to share difficulties, encourage and bring New Year cheer to the vulnerable and disadvantaged. This annual programe is a proof of Sacombank's long-term commitment to contribute to social security and local economic development.

Mrs. Nguyen Duc Thach Diem - Permanent Vice Chairman of the BOD cum CEO of Sacombank gave lucky money to poor students in Binh Chanh District

Mrs. Nguyen Duc Thach Diem - Permanent Vice Chairman of the BOD cum CEO of Sacombank with the children

With the motto "Accompanying the development", Sacombank has been launching many annual programs such as “Warm Spring” festival, “Sharing from the heart" blood donation, “Sacombank - Nurturing dreams" scholarship", etc. Especially, in 2022, Sacombank has donated VND2 billion VND to the Sun of Hope program under the Hope Fund, bringing the total contribution upto VND6 billion to bring healing opportunities for cancer disadvantaged children.

Also in 2022, tens of thousands of Sacombank employees have actively participated in 5 stages of the "Steps for the community" running/jogging campainge organized by Sacombank and Vietnam Youth Union to raise funds to build Community Cultural House for ethnic minorities.

Mr. Tran Minh Son – Director of Sacombank An Giang Branch gave lucky money and presents for the disadvantaged in My Quy Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang.

Executive of Sacombank Tan Phu Branch gave lucky money for the disadvantaged in Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District.

The joy of patients at the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion

Mr. Nguyen Huy Tang - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Cambodia joined Sacombank to bring gifts to the Cambodian

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai Dang (right side) – Director of Sacombank Southwest Region gave the certificate of donation to the representative of Phong Dien District, Can Tho

Mr. Dao Nguyen Vu – Deputy CEO of Sacombank gave lucky money to the people in Can Tho

Mr. Nguyen Ba Tri– Deputy CEO of Sacombank gave lucky money to the people in Can Tho

Sacombank visted and celebrated Tet with patients at Nhan Ai hospital – Binh Phuoc province