The An Tam Dau Tu insurance package is a superior financial solution that combines protection and investment from 5 linked funds with comprehensive life insurance benefits. It helps customers confidently build their assets to protect their family's lives.

Outstanding features

Comprehensive protection

Against all risks

Investment solutions

With diversified portfolio

Accumulating assets

For the next generation

About insurance package

Featured utilities:

Build assets efficiently with a diversified portfolio of 5 investment funds:

  • Leading fund.
  • Dynamic Financial fund.
  • Growth fund.
  • Development fund.
  • Preserve fund.
Great investment opportunities from diversified investment funds.

Great investment opportunities from diversified investment funds.

  • Bring investment opportunities with a small amount of money.
  • Get a regular contract maintenance bonus for sustainable engagement.
  • All inclusive protection of customers’ family.
  • Flexibility to change investment solutions in response to fluctuations in the financial markets and life.
"An Tam Dau Tu" life insurance package will bring effective investment solutions combined with life insurance benefits.

"An Tam Dau Tu" life insurance package will bring effective investment solutions combined with life insurance benefits.


Protection benefits:
  • Death or Total & Permanent Disability before 65 years old: 100% of the Sum Insured.
  • Accidental death benefit between 5 and 65 years old: Beside death benefit, receive additional 20% Sum Insured, maximum VND 1 billion.
  • Funeral: Advance 10% Death benefit, maximum VND 30 million.

Saving and Investment benefits:

  • Maturity: 100% Policy Fund Value.
  • Loyalty bonus: if Target Premiums have been paid in full and on time within the latest 3 Policy Years, the Policy will be credited an amount of money called Loyalty Bonus equal to 3% of each fund by amount at loyalty bonus review at the end of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th and 21st Policy Year. This bonus is equal to 3% of the contract fund value at the time of review.
  • Earning interest from Investment: Customer can choose one or a combination 5 Funds including: Growth fund, Development fund, Preserve fund, Leading fund, Dynamic Financial fund

Other policy owners’ right in:

  • Investment top-up.
  • Investment rate change.
  • Fund switching.
  • Sum Insured change.
  • Flexibility of premium payment from policy year 5 onwards.
  • Partial withdrawal from Policy Fund Value.
  • Add additional Riders.

Detail: click here.

Term of life insurance contract “An Tam Dau Tu”:

  • 99 – age of insurance.

Insurance coverage amount:

  • Minimum: VND 200 million.


  •  Insured customer is under 16 years old: VND 4 billion.
  •  Insured customer is 16 years old: unlimited.


Conditions & Procedure

Conditions for participation:

Conditions and procedures of "An Tam Dau Tu" life insurance package

  • Age of the policyholder: 30 – 65 years old.
  • Max maturity age: 99 years old.

Participating procedures:

  • Fill out the insurance application form.
  • Provide required personal documents.
  • Medical examination.


  • Dai-ichi Life Viet Nam



I have a small amount of capital, can I participate in the An Tam Dau Tu investment product?

The An Tam Dau Tu product is designed for investors with small amounts of capital but who desire to achieve high profits by pooling small amounts of customers' capital to invest through the funds established by DLVN. Customers can feel completely assured when receiving attractive protection and investment benefits with reasonable insurance premiums. In addition, customers can be proactive and flexible in paying premiums from the fourth contract year onwards to suit their financial abilities and investment needs at different times.


Which customer group is suitable to participate in the An Tam Dau Tu Unit-Linked Insurance product?

The An Tam Dau Tu product is for all customers from 30 days to 65 years old, belonging to occupational groups 1, 2, 3, 4. Among them, customers who are looking for flexible financial solutions, providing financial protection for themselves and their families, and who want to receive high accumulation of assets through investment opportunities. The product mainly focuses on the investment needs of customers, especially those with limited capital sources and little time to research information, as well as those who have little experience and professional knowledge about investment. With outstanding characteristics in both insurance and investment, this product will help customers access large investment opportunities, diversify their investments as well as disperse and feel secure due to protection against life's risks.


What benefits do consumers receive when participating An tam dau tu products?

During the time that the insurance contract is still in effect, the policyholder has the following options:

  • Additional investment.
  • Change investment ratio.
  • Fund switching.
  • Change insurance amount.
  • Participation in additional supplementary products.
  • Flexible premium payment.
  • Partial withdrawal of contract fund value.
  • Restoration of Insurance Contract validity.
  • Termination of Insurance Contract prior to term.

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