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Câu hỏi thường gặp dịch vụ vay

Can a state officer with income of VND 4 million per month apply for a loan at Sacombank? What is the loan limit and term?

Sacombank will coordinate with the organizations customers are working at and base on customes’ repayment capacity to determine the loan. Maximum loan amount is VND 500 million. Maximum loan term is 60 months. Especially, Sacombank offers life insurance (for death or whole permanent disability) for this loan.

Does Sacombank have loans for house maintenance? What is the loan limit and term? Which types of collaterals are acceptable?

Sacombank finances house maintenance at up to 100% of capital demand. Maximum loan term is 15 years. Acceptable collaterals include nine-seater )or less) cars and real estate.

Does Sacombank offer home (condominium) loan applicable to projects still incomplete of legal documents?

Sacombank finances home loan at projects with insufficient legal documents, provided that such projects are associated with Sacombank. Customers only need to sign on a mortgage contract with Sacombank and register security transactions under regulations; the disbursement will be performed under written agreement among three parties including Sacombank, Customers and Project Employer. 

What is the maximum term and loan limit of home loan at Sacombank?

Sacombank covers 100% capital demand of customers. Loan term is up to 25 years to help customers balance their finance.

What is the maximum term of a car loan at Sacombank? What is the loan limit? Does it cover VAT?

Term of a car loan is 5 years if collateral is the purchased car and 10 years if collateral is real estate. Sacombank’s loan is determined based on the sale contract value, including VAT and registration fee.

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    Câu hỏi thường gặp dịch vụ vay
    How much authorized capital can enterprises access this loan package?

    Qualified authoprized capital below VND 50 billions

    Can customers apply for foreign currency loan?

    Customers can apply for VND or foreign currency loan according to the needs and Sacombank's regulations on foreign currency loan.

    What is the maximum factoring term?

    Maximum 210 days.

    What is the maximum factoring amount?

    Depending on the needs of customers but not exceeding 90% of the receivable value.

    Debt payment method?

    Pay principal and interest on loans monthly/quarterly/annual according to business characteristics and ability to repay of customers.

    Does every loan require collateral?

    Loans can be secured by assets formed from loan capital or other assets of customers.

    What are the methods of principal interest payment?

    Monthly interest payment, principal interest payment as statement is inccured in Interprise's payment accounts.

    What is the loan term of overdraft?

    Maximum 12 months.

    Do loans require collateral?

    Overdraft litmit is granted based on sales statement to enterprise's payment accounts at Sacombank.

    What enterprise's use of overdraft limit is for?

    Used by enterprises to complement working capital.

    How long is loan term for Corporate customers?

    The loan term is flexible based on the customer's needs, the production and business cycles, and the customer's ability to repay loans.

    What types of assets can businesses mortgage to secured loans?

    Customers can mortgaged assets such as real estate, machinery and equipment, managers, transformed means of transportation, products in circulation, and other sorts of assets as defined by law.

    What can Sacombank loans offer in terms of business demand?

    Sacombank supports businesses to take out short-term loans for working capital as well as medium- and long-term loans to buy machinery, equipment, factories, vehicles, etc.

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